

Sustainable beat



We assess our impact on climate change and we actively develop measures to reduce, compensate and neutralise our carbon footprint

100% renewable energy

We care about reducing, recycling and reusing

We promote respect for the ecosystem and we understand the importance of caring for it


We work proactively in favour of human rights

We participate in projects that encourage integration of people and enhance communication

We advocate for a healthy lifestyle, designing measures to protect the health, safety and well-being of the people we work with

We foster training and awareness for the prevention of discrimination and harassment in the workplace, sexual discrimination and/or based on sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression

We promote work-life balance

Good Governance

We ensure that our partners comply with our code of ethics, internal policies and applicable laws

We monitor, test and regularly update our crime prevention model, code of ethics and internal regulations to be at the forefront of regulatory compliance and good governance recommendations

We protect privacy and information security

We have a whistleblowing channel so that our employees, managers, directors, partners and any other third party can easily report concerns or issues